QGPOP (Kyushu GigaPOP Project) aims to build a
dedicated R&D Internet over
Kyushu region in parallel with commodity
Internet, focusing on Internet's end-to-end
principle and new features like IPv6, multicasting,
and Mobile IP. We are a consortium of universities,
industries, and non-profit research institutions
to share our R&D infrastructure
among the research community acting as
a part of the global research Internet over
the world.
Project Links:
Reports of Adavenced Internet Experiments in The 9th FINA World Swimming Championships FUKUOKA 2001
Genkai (2001-2008)
APAN 2003 Winter Meeting Supports
IT Week (2003)
Research for NGN (2008,2009)
Case Study with SINET3/NII (2010)
Copyright © 2002-2011 QGPOP